UK Homebuilders and the ‘must have’ year for CGI.
The forecast for the UK economy (and with it, the UK housing market) is, for 2023, less than bright. For our clients, however, at The Table Creative, the application of CGI has already proved invaluable and brought rays of hope and bumper sales amidst the wider market gloom! Never before has the deployment of CGI been more acutely relevant, appropriate and necessary than in today’s compromised New Home Building market.
The loss of the Government’s flagship ‘help to buy’ scheme in October 2022, the end of the temporary stamp duty holiday this April and the rise in the cost of borrowing, aligned with the broader economic uncertainty, are creating the perfect storm for the UK’s homebuilders – whatever their scale. House prices have risen by 13.6% over the last 12 months on average, but there has been, in fact, a slowdown in the market by nearly 3%.
Case Study Background
“Deploying the use of CGI in 2023 doesn’t just align with the demands for a first-rate digital experience from today’s home buyer, but it also facilitates the need to sell not just a home but a lifestyle.” – Abigail Tromans, Creative Director
Homeownership is no less aspirational in the British psyche. It’s just a lot less accessible than decades past and, for those who can now, a lot more expensive. The average UK house price (£296,000) requires a multiple more significant than ten times the UK average salary (£29,536). It is no wonder today’s buyer is more hesitant to put down the deposit on that dream plot than before.
In today’s tough selling market, it would be impossible to imagine purchasers agreeing to buy with abstract and unclear representations of their future homes. We’ve seen a revolution in marketing strategies across new build sites thanks in no small part to the technical development of CGI renders and animations with ever greater photorealism.
Today’s buyer is an insatiable consumer of visual content, engaging with social media platforms to promote and consume aspirational lifestyles and their associated products! A home is no longer just an Englishman’s castle – but their most aspirational of “products”. If today’s adult lifestyle is both influenced (and its associated spending facilitated) online, so too, should the experience influencing the largest acquisition of their lives be played out ever more richly on a digital platform?
TTC has a dedicated team of outstanding architectural and built environment visualisers supported by in-house interior designers and stylists. We are uniquely positioned to help the discerning UK house builder with the commissioning and creation of effective, impactful and value-adding CGI.